The BLESS Bridge

The easiest way to bridge BLESS is with the BLESS bridge.

Natively Multi-chain

Blessnet aims to support the entire Ethereum ecosystem. In reflection of that BLESS is natively multi-chain.

On Blessnet BLESS operates as a standard gas token. When not on Blessnet BLESS is an ERC20 token with cross-chain technology baked in. The token contract includes self-bridging methods that leverage Wormhole and the Arbitrum Nitro rollup bridge. This allows BLESS to bridge itself between supported chains.

BLESS bridging consists of three possible flows, as illustrated below.

Bridge Flow One: Non-Child and Non-Parent Origin

In network terms Blessnet is a child chain of Arbitrum, which is it's parent. If the origin of the bridge is neither the child or parent (Blessnet or Arbitrum) we use Bridge Flow One.

BLESS self-bridging for flow One involves a selfBridgeOut() call that uses the Wormhole standard relayer to send the bridge message between chains.

If the final destination of the BLESS is Blessnet this is then followed by a call on the native rollup bridge to deliver the native BLESS to Blessnet.

Bridge Flow Two: Parent Origin

When the origin is the parent chain (Arbitrum), there are two paths:

  • To the child (Blessnet) using the native rollup bridge.

  • To other chains using the Wormhole standard relayer.

Bridge Flow Three: Child Origin

When the origin is the child chain (Blessnet) there are two paths:

  • To the parent (Arbitrum) using the native rollup bridge.

  • To non-parent chains using the native rollup bridge followed by a Wormhole standard relayer call.

No Large Bridge Balances

As BLESS can self-bridge it does not need to rely on external custodial bridge contracts.

Instead, when moving from chain to chain BLESS is burned on the sending chain and minted on the receiving chain. This eliminates the need for large custodied balances on numerous chains.

The exception is the Arbitrum Nitro rollup bridge that custodies BLESS ERC20 tokens that are represented as native gas token on Blessnet.

Enhanced UX

Self-bridging allows BLESS to eliminate some of the poor UX commonly experienced when bridging assets, particularly to rollup chains.

BLESS can be bridged from any supported chain to any supported chain in a single user transaction. The contract itself mplements the required route to the destination chain.

This includes native withdrawals from Blessnet itself. Traditionally for rollups this involves a number of user actions. For example, moving from a rollup to a non-parent chain would involve three user initiated transactions. A withdrawal transaction on the rollup, a transaction on the parent chain to receive the withdrawal, and then a further transaction to bridge to the destination chain.

BLESS bridging has eliminated these further calls, allowing the user to make a single withdrawal transaction on Blessnet and have BLESS delivered to the chain of their choice.

Improved Traceability

All movements of BLESS are tracked in realtime, and can be interrogated on demand. In the future we will have a user interface to enable everyone to keep updated with the status of their bridged BLESS.

Last updated